Some Surprising Facts about the World of Packaging

Being in the packaging business, we learn that it is much more than the cardboard folded to acquire the product. The packaging provides grounds to marketing, as well as allows creativity to work. The packaging industry is ruling the world because of every other company of focusing on its boxing. Whether it is Apple's or any ordinary company. The style of packaging has a greater impact on the buyer. There are several packing boxes, but the most common is the cardboard boxes.  Among all these custom cardboard boxes is the one who rules industries. There are several factors that make us think so.

In the 21st century, there are whole cardboard boxes, the wholesale market which leaves several interesting facts about it. It always amazes us how little we know about packaging’s influence on the world. We thought it was the right time to set the record straight. Here we have collected some of the most random and most favorite, facts about the packaging!


We handle 50 types of boxes every day

We do not need to show you that the custom cardboard box packaging surrounds us. You have to move around your house or take a look at your home or office desk. Let's get ready for an interesting fact. Most of us do not recognize that we handle more than 50 types of customized cardboard boxes packaging every single day. Isn't it surprising?

7-80 percent or recycled material is in a new cardboard carton

You have heard from the decade about the cardboard's Eco-friendly property. We have also heard about its recycle property. Have you ever wondered is it true that the new cardboard carton is the bunch of old cartons? Let unveil the truth this cardboard carton consists of 70-80% percent of old carton material. This is the reason this cardboard is ruling the packaging industry. Let take out your package and start wondering about its making!

Check out how old cardboard is recycled into new!

Have you visited Cardboard packaging Museum?

It's not just that custom cardboard packaging is famous among the company because of its thousands of utilization. These have also influenced art lovers. There is a cardboard packaging museum in France. Next time put this museum on your top list when visiting France. I am sure this fact about the packaging world is unfamiliar to you — that how people praise this industry and encourage the cardboard boxes for packaging.

Cardboard is the most used material in the Packaging world

There are several other packaging materials like plastic, PVC, and others. But among them, cardboard is the famous one. Hey here is the interesting fact, let be particular to one region say the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, companies are manufacturing almost 5 billion corrugated custom boxes every year. And we must say its demand will increase with time. We never know next year it will be ten million or more. The way they are overtaking the other packaging material, it looks it will.


Corrugated custom boxes packaging is the most Eco-friendly solutions on the market, due to their non-toxic and biodegradable properties. These corrugated custom boxes should and can be recycled because it consists of recycled cardboard and paper.  Let's fasten your seat belt for the most interesting fact. The beautiful tetra pack which you have in your hand is 80 percent recycled material. Eco-friendly property is the primary reason that it rules the packaging industry and has its cardboard boxes wholesale market in the present era.

Packaging Industry has a rich history

If we talk about the making of these cardboard cartons, they are not new in the industry. It has an ancient history behind it. Sir Malcolm Thorn hill is the founder of these boxes. In 1817 they commercially manufactured these boxes. Although unlike today's world it requires several labors to produce it. It is a vast industry let’s talk about Creased boxes. The Scottish inventor Robert Gair is the founder, and these boxes came into being after the chopping of several paper bags. After a few years of its invention, people used them for the transportation of delicate items like eggs. This is the point where the packaging industry got a new life.

The packaging industry is manufacturing boxes in various size and shapes

You have seen these boxes in rectangular and square shape. But as its demand is incredibility increasing, they are manufacturing these boxes in various shapes and sizes. If you want any particular size and shape for your product then now you can order. But the fact is that unusual shapes and sizes of these cartons not be as convenient and versatile as the regular box shape such as square and rectangle. Whatever you want to ship, a small box of the ring or television box, you will find these cardboard boxes in any size. Still, have confusion where to select from these cardboard boxes?
The Custom Boxes provides Cardboard Boxes for all your packaging solutions.


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