Your Brain and Stomach Reacts On Same Way

Have you ever felt getting "butterflies" in your stomach before doing something stressful? Or you feel your stomach "tied in knots" after making an argument? Even if you might have experienced a long meeting with the toilet and it was not because of anything wrong you eat. All these feelings are real. Such stomach problems are a common symptom of stress and anxiety.  The researchers have concluded a strong connection between your gut and brain. They both react in the same way. Like the brain, the gut is also full of nerves, making it sensitive to emotions like anger, anxiety, sadness, and joy. The best way to keep your brain and gut health is to eat a nutritious and balanced diet. Consume the food packed in healthy boxes so that your stomach and brain can function more effectively. 

The Brain-Gut Connection:

The brain directly affects your gut, including the stomach and intestines. Similar to the brain, the gut is controlled by a network of neurons. They are shown in the gastrointestinal system, also known as the enteric nervous system. The digestive system is highly sensitive to emotions, like anger, anxiety, and sadness. That is why you might feel your stomach sick when you are stressed out. Depression and other psychological factors make the brain-gut connection out of whack and cause alterations in gut physiology. They affect the movement and contractions of the gastrointestinal tract, increase inflammation, and worsen gastrointestinal disorders. Some of the common stress-related gut symptoms include: 

• Indigestion 
• Stomach Cramps 
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Loss Of Appetite 
• Unnatural Hunger 
• Nausea
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs) 
• Peptic Ulcers
• Bloating
• Acid Reflux
• Heart Burn

 What foods Helps the Brain-Gut Axis?

2017 - 05 - 16 CTD The Brain-Gut Axis: How Controlling Your Food ...

The bidirectional communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system is known as the brain-gut axis. It links the emotional and cognitive brain centers with the peripheral intestinal functions, making the stomach sensitive to stress, anxiety, and other brain conditions. If anyone of you starts facing such disorders, he should increase the intake of food that promotes digestive health. The use of food rich in prebiotics or probiotics can prove helpful. Here are some more groups of food which are specifically beneficial for gut-brain axis:

• Omega-3 Fats: 

These fats are found in oily fish, seafood, nuts, seeds, plant oil, and other fortified items. They are also present in high quantities in the human brain. Studies revealed that omega-3 increases the number of good bacteria in the gut and decrease the risk of brain disorders. Whenever you go for groceries, always search for the presence of this ingredient on custom printed boxes for food to make a healthy choice. 

• Fermented Foods: 

The fermented products like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and cheese contain healthy microbes like lactic acid bacteria. They alter the activity of the human brain positively. However, the custom box design should be such that it retains the product quality. 

• High-Fiber Foods: 

The food that is high in fibers plays a significant role in controlling the stomach disorders caused by brain activity. Whole grains, nuts, seeds, and different types of fruits and vegetables contain prebiotic fibers. They are good for your gut bacteria. Prebiotics reduce the stress hormone in humans. The custom boxes for such food also highlight high fiber fact in their nutritional value. 

• Polyphenol-Rich Foods: 

Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food - Harvard Health Blog ...

Cocoa, green tea, olive oil, and coffee are rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are the plant chemicals that are digested by our gut bacteria. They boost the growth of healthy gut bacteria and improve cognition. If you see the details on custom tea packaging, you will find a good percentage of polyphenol found in it. 

How Tea Affects Your Brain And Stomach?

All of us know that if consumed in a proper amount, tea offers several health benefits. Tea plays an important role in keeping your brain and stomach healthy. A cup of tea especially the herbal one, aids in digestion and soothes your troubled stomach. Moreover, it also staves off cognitive decline and helps in overcome brain-related issues. It is all because of the high level of antioxidants present in it. You will find a variety of teas available in the market. Each of them has its taste and health benefits. They are packed in attractively designed tea boxes to retain the quality of the product. 

In addition to tea, other hot drinks like coffee help in treating brain-related stomach disorders. It is because it is rich in caffeine which has a strong influence on your mind and body. The product is packed in boxes wholesale or sealed in custom coffee boxes to maintain their quality. Paper bags or aluminum/plastic liners are some other good options to pack tea leaves and coffee beans. Get them printed with your brand details or enclose them in attractive cardboard boxes to add to their value. The demand for tea and other energy drinks have been increased recently due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Such food boxes should highlight the nutritional details more to facilitate customers in making healthy choices.


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